Call for Papers – Special Issue Cultural and Social Anthropology

Call for Papers – Special Issue After Pandemic

Texts already published or accepted for publication in other journals or books will not be accepted by the editorial board. The peer-review process, the editing and the publication of articles is done according to the CSJH ethics statement.
The text of the article should be accompanied by an abstract in English of some 10 lines (maximum 100 words), with three to ten keywords in English in alphabetical order, and by Author’s affiliation, address and e-mail address. Reviews of books and congress proceedings should present all necessary bibliographical data concerning the reviewed book, including the place and dates of the congress in question.
The affiliation address of the contributor should be given at the end of the article or review as well as an e-mail contact. If necessary, another contact address may be provided.

Contributors are kindly requested to send their contributions by e-mail to the addresses of issue editors:

Anthropologia culturalis
Jakub Havlíček

Linguistica and general issues
Wilken Engelbrecht

Eva Vičarová

Style Sheet Rules

Submitted texts should be written in one of common text editors (doc, docx, rtf, odt), in the Times New Roman 12 font, line spacing 1.5; pictures and figures should be submitted separately in formats as jpg, tif, eps, and gif.
The CSJH follows the Chicago Style Manual. The basic style guidelines can be found here.